Thursday 22 January 2015

Week 2 meeting with Simone 20/01/15

This week's meeting went over what I have been looking in mindfulness apps (see previous posts), which Simone seemed happy with.  Last week she asked me what specific element of mindfulness I was going to look at, and since looking through the apps and how they work I have decided that my work will centre around encouraging short breathing exercises and body-scan exercises.  This is because it is the easiest way to get into mindfulness, as well as probably being the simplest aspect of the practice for newcomers to get their heads around.  In the past I have been taught, by way of an introduction to being mindful, to focus on the sensation of a warm cup of tea in my hands, or to turn all of my attention to the feeling in my toes.  Little things like this are a very accessible to everyone and don't require a lot of effort, so are well suited to the area I am focusing on.

My main question this week was about how the practical side of things would inform the research.  The lecture we had earlier raised this point, and I realised I am not so sure about this.  I think in order to answer this I need to press on with practical work - I have made a tentative start, but this week has turned out to be all about the research!  Simone suggested looking at how traditional media and digital media go back and forth, particularly with print media and app design. I reckon will be an interesting place to go.

As I am leaning more and more towards creating content for an app (alongside printed posters as advertisement), we discussed where I could get hold of a tablet in time for the degree show, as I don't currently own one.  I have emailed to ask if I can request an iPad mini, so fingers crossed! This also led on to what I could put on business cards in relation to the project and what the "take away" would be for people.  I have been brainstorming little slogans which could be used to attract people, so at the moment I am thinking a mix of them would be a nice touch and Simone agreed.

With regard to case studies, it was agreed that I would do extended versions of some of the apps I just blogged about.  Since I am also looking at branding and persuasion, there is probably scope to go back and do case studies on some of the stuff I looked at last semester.  Simone also recommended I look up existing academic journals on app design and see what I can find, as well as reading design blogs such as Fast Company.  The idea of reading spiritual, new-age books to get a grounding in Bhuddism-based mindfulness was also floated.

My reading for the next fortnight will also cover more of the history of graphic design, as the point was made that in order to go forward you have to look at what has been done before.  I have lots to do!

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